PCV/TPO Roof Repair

PCV/TPO Roof Repair in Seattle

It’s easy to take your property’s roof for granted, especially when you’re focused on operating your business or you’re leasing your building to a tenant and rarely see the roof up close. While a properly installed PVC or TPO roof can last for decades, they do require occasional maintenance and upkeep. There are also specific issues that can develop over time that, if left unaddressed, will accelerate degradation and necessitate full replacement or more expensive repairs.

The team at Chet’s Roofing & Construction, Inc. has extensive experience installing, maintaining and repairing PVC and TPO roofing solutions. We’re always happy to perform inspections or repair any issues that arise to maximize your roof’s longevity.

Common Issues With PVC/TPO Roofs

There’s a reason TPO and PVC have dominant commercial roofing market share, including in Seattle. They’re exceptionally resilient and boast eco-friendly properties that appeal to many property owners and businesses in the Puget Sound region. However, even the sturdiest roofs can encounter issues, primarily due to the area's wet weather patterns and the inherent challenges of flat roofing systems. Common problems property owners experience include:

  • Seam and Flashing Failures: The seams of PVC and TPO roofs can weaken over time, leading to potential leaks. Flashing around roof penetrations and edges can also fail if not installed correctly.

  • Membrane Punctures or Tears: The single-ply membrane of PVC and TPO roofs can be punctured by foot traffic, falling debris or mechanical damage.

  • Pooling Water: Known as ponding, this occurs when water remains on the roof 48 hours after a rain event. Standing water can degrade the membrane over time.

  • UV Damage and Weathering: Although unrelenting sun exposure isn’t typically a big problem for Seattle property owners, cumulative rays over many years can add up. A more common issue is weathering due to the high frequency of rain.

Signs Your PVC or TPO Roof Needs Repairs

  • Bubbles or Blistering: Raised bumps and bubbles that form under the membrane typically indicate trapped moisture or air. If left unaddressed, bubbles and blisters will lead to membrane failure.

  • Discoloration or Staining: Be on the lookout for visible changes in the color consistency of your roofing membrane, as changes are a precursor to material breakdown. If you notice discoloration, it’s time to schedule a roofing inspection.

  • Visible Damage: The most obvious sign that emergency repair is necessary is visible damage, including tears, punctures or extensive wear in high-traffic areas.

  • Interior Water Stains: Don’t ignore obvious water staining inside your commercial structure, including on ceiling tiles or walls. These can be indicative of leaks that, if left unaddressed, may cause structural damage.

The PVC and TPO Roof Repair Process

Chet's Roofing & Construction follows a meticulous repair process to restore your roof's integrity, including:


Detailed Inspection: Our experts assess the roof's condition with thorough, detail-oriented techniques to uncover even the most elusive issues.


Customized Repair Plan: We develop a tailored plan to address the specific needs of your roof, prioritizing immediate repairs and long-term solutions.


Precision Repairs: Our skilled technicians perform repairs, whether it's seam reinforcement, membrane patching or flashing replacement, all while minimizing disruption to your business operations.


Quality Assurance: Post-repair, we conduct a thorough check to ensure the longevity of our work and your roof's continued performance

Preventative Maintenance for PVC and TPO Roofs in Seattle

Regular maintenance is key to extending the lifespan of your PVC or TPO roof and safeguarding it against Seattle's wet climate. Our preventative services include:

  • Routine Inspections: Identifying and addressing minor issues before they become major concerns.

  • Debris Removal: Keeping the roof clean to prevent punctures and the accumulation of standing water.

  • Seam and Flashing Checks: Regular checks and repairs of seams and flashings to prevent leaks.

  • Documentation and Reporting: We’ll give you a full understanding of your roof’s condition, repair options and any potential trouble spots that may become issues in the future.

We're Ready to Help With PVC and TPO Roofing

With Chet's Roofing & Construction, you can expect nothing less than the highest standards of repair and maintenance for your PVC and TPO roofing. Our commitment to quality, combined with our deep knowledge of Seattle's building codes and environmental challenges, ensures your commercial roof stands the test of time.

Contact us today at (877) 611-1514 to schedule your roof inspection and repairs.

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